Yesterday afternoon I went out for a walk with my friend Caleb Hunter. In the midst of our random threads of conversation we talked about making bucket lists. I do believe I had previously thought about doing this, but had never really made it happen. So, motivated by Caleb, we both sat down and carefully concocted our 50 items. This is how mine turned out:
- Get married.
- Do something really spontaneous at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
- Learn how to say “I love you” in at least 20 languages.
- Get a book published.
- Go to Israel.
- Prepare a picnic for your girlfriend at the beach, at night.
- Turn 50.
- Go scuba-diving.
- Roll in mud with a good friend.
- Write at least 50 songs.
- Watch all James Bond movies.
- Go to Disneyland.
Be told you made someone's day unforgettable, in his or her own words.- Let your hair grow as long as your shoulders.
- Save someone's life.
- Learn how to make good sushi.
- Personally meet a celebrity.
- Get a driver's license.
- Speak German fluently.
- Buy a good camera.
- Make someone cry tears of joy.
- Stay up all night with a friend, just to watch the sunrise.
- Throw someone a surprise party, just because you care about him or her.
- See the day Cherry Coke comes to Brazil.
- Drive a jet-ski.
- Finally watch Avatar in 3D.
- Raise money for an important cause.
- Once in your life, take a picture every day for a year.
- Be someone's best man at a wedding.
- Learn how to play an instrument.
- Graduate from college.
- Go on a cruise.
- Buy your parents an expensive gift.
- Read The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
- Take your wife overseas on your wedding anniversary.
- Make a crop circle.
- Raise kids to be fluent in at least 2 languages.
- Swim with dolphins.
- Convince a friend to roll in snow with you wearing nothing but shorts because of your bucket list.
- Cook a candle-lit dinner.
- Row a boat down a lake with someone.
- Be hugged by someone who doesn't want to let go of you.
- Grasp the theory of relativity.
- Write an excellent fairy-tale.
- Celebrate an off-season holiday with your family.
- Make your kids a secret passageway in the garden.
- Tape-record everything said around a camp fire.
- Go on at least 3 roller coasters on the same day.
- See the Mona Lisa.
- Secretly buy someone chocolate every day for a month.
None of these are really life goals but rather things I would like to do before I die. Questions, comments? Got your own bucket list to share? Then please comment :-)
yea! love your blog Dav! make sure to post to facebook so i can see when you have something new put up. love you sweetums!