It's been ten days since I first started my 365 Days in Photo album and I've already learned so much! Perfection is definitely a tough nut to crack, but I try to cling to the widespread knowledge that practice makes it into a reality. So as a disclaimer, I am still very much new to this game and there is still room for lots of improvement but I'd like to share some of the things that I've picked up along the way.
1. Forget about the old notion that a good camera makes a good photo. Some people take awful pictures with very good cameras and some people can pull off minor masterpieces with a normal point-and-shoot camera. Of course, there are many practical advantages that come with a quality camera and this is why I can't wait to buy one! But it really boils down to the photographer.
2. Editing your photos is not a crime. Just don't go overboard. I've found that good editing can also save a picture that would have been amazing (generally because of the angle) if it weren't for the lighting. This is why I like to play around with the brightness/contrast and color settings. These simple tweaks can really bring out the best in your work. I don't think editing should be used to hide imperfections, but to enhance good qualities. If it's that bad, take another shot.
3. Use your camera settings. Don't be content with the Auto option. Play around with your camera and read about what it can do to help. Your shutter speed and correct use of the flash can really shake things up so submit that contraption to its master!
4. Good lighting = better pictures, most of the time. I don't think I can overstate how much lighting is important. Most people know this but neglect it severely. Sunrises and sunsets are particularly appropriate, as they seem to provide just enough light to make everything look better. This last point was the cause of some frustration for me yesterday. I got done with my classes at 4:00pm with an idea for my day's photo in mind, about an hour and a half before sunset. My dad called me over and I found out we weren't going home but instead I was off to get a haircut. I sighed... Even though my hair was quite in need of a pair of scissors, this meant having to take pictures at night. To make a long story short, I did take some good ones but none of them felt right and the lack of light made me take many more shots than I normally would have. This should explain the day's quote for March 15th, if you clicked on my album's link. The picture I chose was taken in the one bathroom in my house that is lit by an incandescent lamp. So I guess that gives us an extra point:
5. Incandescent lamps are MUCH better than fluorescent ones. And that's all I'll say about that.
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