Monday, June 20, 2011

An update...

Random fact: My current favorite.
So, even though nobody really reads this blog, I thought I'd keep it well updated for my approaching time in Germany. That way, I can share my experience with whoever may be interested...

2 words: It's coming.

In 16 days I'll be (Lord willing) boarding on a plane heading Europewards. First to Lisbon, in Portugal (they have a funny accent :-D) and then off to München, or Munich, as most of you know it. I've got some mixed thoughts and feelings in relation to leaving. Now that I'm officially done teaching, I have all this free time that is heavily being used to spend time with my family, improve my German and take my daily pictures. It's very nice to be able to get some rest after all that school work, but boy does time slow down when you're not working! I guess you can tell I'm excited. Very excited, as a matter of fact.

Some other friends of mine will be showing up here soon so it will be great to see them again and change my currently established routine :-).

Things I need to do before I leave:
1. Eat açaí in a bowl again. You poor poor people who have never tried this amazing piece of Heaven. Highly recommended to anyone coming to Brazil.
2. Go to Recife and take pictures of the old part of town. It's beautiful.
3. Maybe go to a steak house again? That sounds lovely.
4. Pack.

I guess that's it for now!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Apparently Taylor Swift reminds me of blogger? As I was randomly listening to "Fearless" it occurred to me that it had been way too long since I last updated this blog. So here we go.

I am so excited for the good things that should be happening soon and yet feeling a little trapped, at the mercy of time and its slow pace..........................

*3 days - My sister Alyssa gets back from Europe. I can't wait to give her a hug and hear all about her time in Hungary. She has been away for 9 months and we'll only have 28 days together!

*12 days - School is out for the break. It happens the same way every year. Whenever the end is near, I start doing things automatically and feeling like a schedule slave. But God is good and He continues to give me strength whenever I need it. I can hardly believe we are this close to the close of the semester! It has been a very blessed year so far. I have been privileged to be used by God in the lives of my students and to watch them grow.

*31 days - Germany. I don't really know what to expect anymore. It seems like my plans always turn out to be completely different than anticipated. But I pray the Lord will do His will through me. I want to be a blessing there. To the children I will be teaching, to my dear friends and to whoever else I may meet. I've had my heart set in that country for the past year and I do not believe it happened purposelessly.  In just over a month, I'll be able to unveil a bit more of God's plan for my life. Pretty exciting stuff...

~Please pray for one of our students who has been diagnosed with leukemia. His name is Samuel and he is only 2 years old.~